
Wayfarers: the collection

Wayfarer: a traveller, usually on foot; a person in transit from one place to another.

Lodestone: a rock containing magnetite; floated in water, it swings to indicate true north; used by early travellers and mariners to navigate.

From parent to child, found and lost, cherished and discarded, one small piece of stone imbued with a mysterious essence will affect thousands of people from all over the world and across more than nine thousand years of history.

There are seven stories in this series, and they can be read in any order, as each story is complete within itself.

Formats: ebook $5.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy, science fiction
Audience: general, young adult
Length: collection of short stories
Available from your favourite retailer here.

The Lightning Stone

Eight thousand years ago, somewhere on the land bridge which is now buried beneath the North Sea, Thara is struggling to survive with the help of her wolf-dog, Tang.

Then, in the midst of a wild storm, Thara finds a softly-glowing stone which calls to something deep within her, something she thought long buried. If she answers the call, she heads into the unknown.

If she doesn’t, she’s dead…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.


Five thousand years ago, in the Austrian Alps, Orthan has rescued his grand-daughter, Athira, from a life of fear and abuse.

Now, fleeing across the snow-covered peaks, Orthan’s guide-stone has shown him that they are being pursued. Old and sick, Orthan is determined to get Athira to safety.

His determination will create a legend…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.

Dragon Hill

Almost three thousand years ago, in rural England, Lian tends her sheep… and hides an incredible secret.

Until Talmar arrives, with his stories of far-away places and his own secret mission.

Those secrets collide on the Icknield Way, where innocence is lost and dreams are shattered.

And where one woman’s determination will create a landmark that stands to this day, and whose origins are shrouded in legend…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.

The Darkest Dawn

A little over two thousand years ago, Aquila is cleaning the Master’s villa in Pompeii when ash and heated pumice stones begin spewing from the summit of Mt Vesuvius and raining down on the city.

Born a slave, Aquila has never been able to choose anything in her fourteen years.

Now, her survival – and the lives of two infants – will depend on the choices she makes…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.

Freyja’s Star

One thousand years ago, on the snowbound plains of what will one day be known as Baffin Island, Canada, Viking explorers have established small townships and trading posts.

When his family’s farmhold is attacked by skraelings, teenager Haakon flees for his life with his small cousins and baby sister tucked into a sled.

But Haakon has been lame for years, and the settlement of Helluland is many hours away. And a snowstorm is brewing…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.


Sasha has been dumped at her uncle and aunt’s farm in rural New Zealand by her mother while she and Sasha’s new step-father honeymoon in America.

Resentful and angry, Sasha is determined to match her cousins’ dislike with her own – until the twins’ latest prank goes disastrously wrong and Bree is lost in an unexplored cave beneath the family farm…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.


Artemis has been dragged here to the Moon by her father because of his work. Whatever that is. She just wants to mourn her mother in peace.

Then she meets the enigmatic Freydis, who needs her help to uncover something on the Moon that has stayed secret for decades. Something that her father is involved in.

Something that is angering the Moon Goddess…

Formats: ebook $2.99, paperback $4.99
Genre/s: urban fantasy
Audience: general, young adult
Length: short story
Available from your favourite retailer here.